Version: 1.1.3

Writing Docs

Add a Markdown File#

To add a page to the docs create a markdown file in the docs directory (or a subdirectory of docs if necessary).

Docs should use .md as the extension unless you are using MDX - which for a normal doc is usually not the case. You can always rename docs later if you decide to add MDX.

Document Header#

Every doc file needs a header - this means it starts with a simple block of text with some configuration options.

This example should be sufficient for most docs, but a full list of options can be found here.

id: uniquestring
title: My Helpful Document
sidebar_label: Helpful Doc
## Heading 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
In vehicula eros vel ultrices accumsan. Nunc nec lorem
leo. Nullam at dui mauris. Ut ex diam, mollis viverra nisl
a, semper dignissim diam.

The id needs to be something unique - check that the id you plan to use hasn't already been used by looking in sidebars.js.

The title is displayed as the first heading on a docs page.

The sidebar_label is what is shown in the navigation sidebar for the doc. It is a good idea to have something short here, and have the title as something slightly longer if needed.

Adding to The Sidebar#

Usually you will want your document to be accessible through the navigation sidebar. If you look at sidebars.js you will see the current categories. Try to put your doc into one of these categories as this keeps the sidebar clean. If you think a new category is needed, take a look at the sidebar docs for guidance.

Adding Content#

Now you are ready to add the content of your new doc page! Have a look at the docusaurus docs for markdown features for hints on formatting the doc.

This page might also be useful if you plan to use static assets such as images in your doc.


We are using versioning for this site as Netkit-JH is being frequently updated, and lots of docs are specific to a Netkit-JH release.

Normally you should just add to the docs directory as this is the Next version - the default version that will be shown to site visitors.

Anything that is put in the docs directory will be frozen as the next release, when that point is reached. For example, if the latest release is 1.0.0 and the next release is 1.0.1, then everything currently in docs will be frozen as version 1.0.1, when the release happens.

If you want to make a doc specific to a particular release then place it in versioned_docs/VERSION.


Say the latest release was 1.0.0 and the next release is 1.0.1.

You are writing a doc that is relevant to 1.0.0, but you know it will no longer apply in 1.0.1.

You should put this doc in the versioned_docs/version-1.0.0/ directory.